My Projects


A project done with Palantir to simplify how people choose their mode of transportation. Grommit utilizes the Google Maps API to determine the time it takes to get to parts of downtown Palo Alto. It displays these times in a color-coded format on a map to show how long it takes with certain modes of travel to reach parts of Palo Alto, so users can determine which mode of transportation works best for them.


Submitted to PennApps XVI. Won PennApps Route | Best Google Cloud Machine Learning API Hack and Best Use of A manga translator that uses a convolutional neural network and Google Cloud Platform translation to take a manga image, process, translate, and rewrite it into an image containing English translations in each text box.

Net Collector

Project done at ON.Lab during my internship. Consists of a probe (or two), a collector, a client, and a webserver. The probe is connected to an Internet network and sends all the packets in and out of the network router to the collector. The collector filters out everything except for the source and destination IP addresses of each packet and sends them to the client. The client uses reverse-DNS to find the sites corresponding to each IP address. If for each set amout of packets, the number of src/dest sites that are unproductive (ex: Facebook, Netflix) surpasses a set threshold, the client signals the server to create a warning message.


Submitted to HackingEDU in San Mateo, an educational hackathon with thousands of high school and college participants, and won Second Place Overall. This is a tool to help educators monitor students. Using a phone attached to the chair a student sits on, teachers can use the website to view the tilt of the chair and back posture. Using the Moxtra API, we use a second phone to stream what is on the student's desk to the website as well. With a Muse headset, we also tracked blinking to display on the website whether the student is falling asleep.

My PennApps project to help people find their lost items cheaply. Creates a QR code for every item you register in the system. If someone who finds the item scans the QR code after you lose it, the dashboard will display the location of the device that scanned the QR code, so you can find your lost item at no cost.

Challenge To Conquer

Created a website for Challenge to Conquer, a nonprofit that collects money in the United States for a hospital for challenged children in India, called Mithra. Donations are always greatfully accepted.